HATPC Reborn uses cookies to store your settings and level progress. It makes a cookie called "hatpcr" with containing a string of decimal digits.
You can view this cookie in your browser, but I've also created a couple of PHP scripts you can use to read and edit it conveniently. displays your current cookie and[your_cookie_here] sets your current cookie to the value in [your_cookie_here].
The contents of the cookie are divided into several smaller strings by the game that are interpreted in the following way:
- The first two digits (1-2) are the level you have unlocked in the HATPC campaign. The default value of 00 indicates you only have the first level unlocked, and a value of ## indicates you have the first ## + 1 levels unlocked.
- The next three digits (3-5) are the SFX volume setting, between 000 and 100. The default value of 050 sets your SFX volume to 50%.
- The next three digits (6-8) are the music volume setting, between 000 and 100. The default value of 050 sets your music volume to 50%.
- The next 8 digits (9-16) are reserved for your campaign highscore, but it isn't currently tracked. I plan to add that functionality soon.
- The 17th digit represents whether or not your volume is muted. The default value of "0" means it isn't muted and a value of "1" means it is muted.
There are some cheats avaialable to make it easier to test out levels. Check the controls page in-game to see their keybindings.